Grease Trap & Grease Interceptor Plan Check


As one of the requirements prior to the issuance of a Plumbing Permit by Long Beach Development Services (formerly Building and Planning Department), a plumbing permit applicant must go through plan review with the Long Beach Utilities Department (LB Utilities) for sewer protection requirement(s). All restaurants, commercial kitchens and facilities where food is prepared and served to the public are required to comply with this requirement(s).

Minimum Grease Trap/Interceptor Plan Check Requirements

  • Full payment. Please make your check payable to Long Beach Utilities. For applicable fees, see LB Utilities' Rules & Regulations (View Appendix B)(PDF, 868KB)
  • Required number of set of your plumbing plans with establishment name and address shown for LB Utilities' approval, minimum size of 11”x17”. LB Utilities' will scan a copy for our records.
  • Show all kitchen equipment and fixture schedule specifying which fixtures will drain to the grease device. Garbage disposals and/or dishwashers shall not discharge or connect to the grease device
  • Show proposed installation of flow control device and connection of vent to roof per manufacturer’s installation instructions.
  • Dishwasher pre‐rinse must drain to the interceptor
  • The sizing calculation for your grease device shall be included on your plan and shall comply with the California Plumbing Code. The minimum size for smaller
    under‐the‐sink grease trap shall be 20 gpm. The size for grease interceptors located outside the buildings will be based on the sizing calculation. Grease traps must be listed by the International Associate of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO).
  • Your plan shall contain the information for the proposed grease device including the manufacturer name, make, model number, size, and flow capacity. A copy of the grease device specifications shall be printed on your plan
  • Your plan shall show and label the kitchen equipment, fixtures, piping, and the proposed grease device.
  • Your plan shall show the grease waste lines marked as “GW” and sewer lines marked as “S”
  • Approval of the proposed location by the Long Beach Health Department is also required

Lead Time

The typical processing time for your Grease Trap & Grease Interceptor plan check request is approximately 3 to 4 weeks and subsequent plan check review is approximately 1 to 2 weeks.

Please submit your plumbing plans that meet the requirements listed here through LB Utilities' online Development Portal at the following link: