Utility Billing And High Water Bill Investigations
Turn On Service:
(562) 570-5700
Billing Questions:
(562) 570-5700
High Water Bill Investigation:
(562) 570-5700
Sewer Service (Non-Emergency)
Questions / Comments / Feedback
E-mail: SewerService@lbutilities.org
Report A Natural Gas Leak
If you suspect a natural gas leak, take others with you and immediately evacuate the area. From a safe location, call the Long Beach Utilities emergency line at (562) 570-2140 or call 911.
DO NOT light a match, candle, or cigarette.
DO NOT turn on electrical appliances, lights on/off, or use any device that could cause a spark.
DO NOT use a cell phone near the gas odor.
Water Conservation Hotline
Email: waterconservation@lbutilities.org
Phone: (562) 570-2455
Engineering & Development Service Counter
Email: Water-ServiceCounter@lbutilities.org
Phone: (562) 570-2419
For Media / Public Affairs Inquiries:
Joy Contreras
Public Information Officer
Email: joy.contreras@lbutilities.org
Phone: (562) 570-2314
For Board and General Manager Inquiries:
Lisa Squires
Executive Assistant to the Board and General Manager
Email: lisa.squires@lbutilities.org
Phone: (562) 570-2435
For Water Quality Inquiries:
Dr. Yan Zhang
Director of Water Quality and Process
Email: yan.zhang@lbutilities.org
Phone: (562) 570-2484
Public Records Request
Long Beach Utilities, along with all City Departments, uses a public portal (GovQA) for processing Public Records Act (PRA) requests.
Requests for public records can be submitted at the City’s Public Records Requests dedicated webpage. Click here to be redirected to the City’s site.
After submitting a PRA request into GovQA, you will receive an email explaining how to track and view your PRA request online when it is available.

Public Records Menu
How to File a Claim
Pursuant to the California Government Tort Claims Act (Government Code sections 810-996.6), a claim must be filed if you are seeking money or damages from the City or one of its employees. With very limited exceptions, no lawsuit for money damages may be brought against the City or its employees unless a written claim has been properly filed with the City. Generally, these claims must be filed within six months of the occurrence that gives rise to the claim (See Government Code section 911.2).
WARNING: You should consult with an attorney to determine the time period for filing either a claim or a lawsuit.
The City of Long Beach has a standard claim form that can be used for your convenience. This form must be filed in person, or by mail, directly with the Long Beach City Clerk located at 411 West Ocean Boulevard, Plaza Level, Long Beach, CA 90802. The City will review, and where appropriate, take action on the claim. However, neither the City Attorney nor any other City official or employee can provide legal advice concerning the claim or litigation against the City.
Click here to visit the City's site for details on how to file a claim.
Accessibility Statement
The Long Beach Utilities Department is committed to providing access to all individuals who are seeking information from our website. To provide information, this website has been designed to comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended.
Section 508 requires that all individuals with disabilities have access to, and use of information and data, comparable to that provided to individuals without disabilities, unless an undue burden would be imposed.
Any individual using assistive technology (such as a screen reader, Braille reader, etc.) who experiences difficulty accessing information on this website, should fill out the form.
The email should include the nature of the accessibility problem and the individual’s email address for a response. If the accessibility problem involves a particular web page, the message should include the URL (web address) of the page.
A Long Beach Utilities Department Representative will contact the individual having difficulty with accessibility to our website and assist them by providing them the information being sought.